We GeoCache. Do You GeoCache?
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We GeoCache. Do You GeoCache?

Geocache you say?  What is Geocaching? ge•o•cach•ing  (noun)   is a recreational activity of searching for and locating a hidden object (known as a Cache) using the coordinates of Global Positioning System (GPS) posted on a website. In other words, family entertainment and outdoor adventures all while trying to find creatively hidden objects for the challenge of saying FOUND…

Nighttime Kisses

Just the other night, my kiddo made the reading mile stone called the 100-point wall.  For every book read and quiz taken, points are earned and tallied each school year.  It is an awesome feat and one of which I am so proud. So proud that I attempted to give him lots of kisses and hugs…

Birthday Talk …

Me: I love you. <kiss… mush .. kiss… kiss>  You are an awesome kiddo.  <kiss… kiss… kiss>  I am so glad you were born.  <kiss… mush … mush .. kiss… kiss> Kiddo: Mommmmm. <ugh>  Stop!  <eye roll>  You are supposed to be acting like an adult and teaching me how to act like an adult. …