Meet the Author
My name is Sharon. I am a empty nester, active solo traveler, and quilter enthusiast looking for destinations that showcase communities’, recreation, secrets of the locals, and quilting activities both near and far. I love sharing my adventures as I blend my passions together and inspire others in their travels, exploration, and quilting journey.
I am always in search of adventure and new off the beaten path places. Some of my fondest memories have been while traveling to new and unknown places and meeting new people and hearing their stories. Whether it be a road trip or a plane ride, the excitement of visiting a new city and meeting new people brings me comfort and happiness.

Follow along …
as Sharon the Moments continues her journey for healthy living combined with fun and interesting travel. Whether discovering new places in Ohio, weekend getaways, local festivals or jumping on a plane, train or automobile, adventures await for all who follow along.
Adventures along the way.

Walt Disney World

Eastern Caribbean Cruise

Sharon – you have a beautiful life and I enjoy your photos!
Thank you Susan!
Love the blog! Actually found you through a twitter feed. Lol
I too am a Buckeye and Nikon shooter D5100.
Keep up the great work, your son will appreciate it one day (not so much now :0))
I have a kids blog that I do everyday that started out as an art project. Would love any comments you may have.
Have a great journey. I look forward to seeing more of your journey, if I can figure out how to follow you (I’m kinda new to this)
Go Buck!
Ohiophotogrl ~Penny
Thanks for stopping by and saying hello! Always love to hear from fellow bloggers and especially Ohioans! ~Sharon
Just found you through bloggy mom. I too am a Buckeye, Canton Ohio. I am so glad to find other Ohio bloggers!
Thanks DeDe for stopping by! Go Bucks! ~Sharon
Excellent bio Sharon!!
Thanks Lisa! I love that you stopped by! And I Love Love your NYC images!
It was so nice to meet you this weekend at Bloggy Con! I look forward to “talking” with you more!
Go Bucks!
Hi, Sharon! Thank you for the lovely comments on my blog. I’m going to browse around yours for a while now! 🙂 have a great day!