List of Thirteen Life Fullfilling Things for Twenty Thirteen|January Update

List of Thirteen Life Fullfilling Things for Twenty Thirteen|January Update

Here we are one month into the new year.  Can you believe January is almost gone already? Well neither can I but I thought this a great time to recap my progress for my list of Thirteen Life Fulfilling Things for Twenty-Thirteen.  If you didn’t get a chance to read my post, click here.  I think…

Favorite Photo Friday ™ Snowy Day at Sharon Woods Metro park

Favorite Photo Friday ™ Snowy Day at Sharon Woods Metro park

01.25.2013 | Favorite Photo Friday ™ My apologizes, I lost track of the time and therefore my Favorite Photo Friday is being posted today (Sunday).  Better late than never they say…. It is winter and for most of us living in the Midwest, we are surely most definitely experiencing winter with its snow and cold. But this…


The AAA Vacation & Travel Expo

When the weather is cold outside, instead of daydreaming about the sun and summer, we jumped in the car and headed downtown to this years Vacation Travel Expo sponsored by AAA. My son I enjoy being weekend warriors, exploring our local world and trying new things.  We are always looking for one tank gas trips and family and cost-friendly adventures. …

Favorite Photo Friday ™ … St Louis Missouri Arch Park

Favorite Photo Friday ™ … St Louis Missouri Arch Park

01.18.2013 Favorite Photo Friday ™ 01.18.2013 || Favorite Photo Friday ™ It was over a year ago that I had the opportunity to jump a plane and head west to visit St. Louis Missouri.  It was a long weekend trip with friends for a photographic fun weekend.  I had never been to STL and was looking…

My List of Thirteen Life Fullfilling Things for Twenty Thirteen

My List of Thirteen Life Fullfilling Things for Twenty Thirteen

For most people, the month of January means a fresh start (a very cold midwest living fresh start).  To me, it means a free pass to resolve my past, wish for my future and live in the present.  It means perfection with age! January usually also means we get to create new lists.  Lists that provoke us to be better…

September Weekend at Lynd Fruit Farm Apple Orchard| Sharon the Moments Blog

Two Thousand Twelve – A Year in Review . The Good, the Bad and the Memorable

As with everything, all good things must come to an end.  And the year two-thousand twelve is no different.  It is amazing the reality that time flies and in this case a year, a whole three-hundred sixty-six days {leap year} has come to a close. It was a good year for me and my kiddo, with…