06.28.2018 || Favorite Photo Friday ™ This week’s Favorite Photo Friday is a tribute to all those that perished on September 11th 2001. My son and I had the opportunity to visit the 911 Memorial Museum a few years ago. My son wasn’t alive when the attack occurred, yet he was able to stand in what was once referred to as Ground Zero. We both stood in the presence of the twin memorial pools reflecting on all the terrible scenes from that day.
As Independence Day is just a few days away, I wanted to never forget those that lost their lives simply because they were Americans on American Soil.

We will never forget.
Favorite Photo Friday ™ is when I share an image that inspires me, that pushes the envelope, takes a look at a different perspective and just plain and simple, is one of my favorite photos. Thanks. ©SharontheMoments.com