iPhoneography Tuesday is Monday Week
I always love 3-day weekends but returning to work on a Tuesday is difficult. Don’t get me wrong, working a four-day week is awesome except for the fact I am always a day behind thinking that today is Monday. So I thought a bouquet of flowers would be the perfect fit! And so would…
iPhoneography Fish Boats and Water
Hello Monday! For me, time seems to more at a faster rate over the weekend then the work week. So for today’s iPhoneography images, I decided on pictures that have a tendency to make time slow down. Today’s post is about the fish, the boats and water. <relaxing breath> …. repeat. Have a wonderful week….
iPhoneography for Relaxing Sunday Mornings Inniswood Metro Park
Being a beautiful relaxing Sunday morning, I wanted to post an image or two that are peaceful and fun. I pulled up this image of the Inniswood Metro Park. I also came across this image of my kiddo and my mom enjoying a park bench which is all about living in the moment. Wonder if they are talking…
iPhoneography Downtown Columbus
Time for another installment of my iPhoneography series. I choose these images for the beautiful Downtown Columbus area in honor of the beautiful landscape. Not working in the downtown area anymore, I find myself often (silently) admitting that I do miss it. There are so many wonderful places to escape during breaks and lunch and these make…

iPhoneography Memories of the Ohio State Fair
Being that this is Ohio State Fair week, I thought I would highlight a few of my iPhone images from last year. We are headed out this morning for our yearly trip to the great Ohio State Fair. The fair just isn’t complete without riding the giant Ferris Wheel. And my all time favorite is…
iPhoneography Picture Series
Welcome to my newest series of blog posts for iPhoneography. Now that Spring is behind us (and thus the Monday Monday Spring Series), I wanted to start a blog post series that would not be seasonal yet I would still be able to share some of my photos. Today, seems the iPhone can be seen everywhere with the young…