For this Week Five of the Eight Weeks of Christmas, I write about Health and Wellness, not just anybody’s health and wellness, but yours! Now you ask, what does health and wellness have to do with the weeks leading up to Christmas? Well … many of us endure additional stress this time of year, stress that we might not normally be under if not for the Holidays.
While we are busy buying gifts, preparing food and attending/hosting parties, it is also important to focus on taking care of ourselves emotionally, spiritually and physically. If not for our own good health and wellness, time spent with family and friends really wouldn’t amount to much. We often look to our friends for support, providing words of encouragement and often engage more in prayer and attendance of church during the Christmas season. But who in their right mind chooses to run in a 5K in the month of December?

I recently started running and delightfully consider myself a newbie in the running community. I have become an adrenaline fanatic when it comes to improving my endurance, braving the elements, increasing my miles travel in my running shoes and looking for a fun local organized 5K in my city. Ok, so I am no Forrest Gump running across the country but I do enjoy the calm it brings and the sense of accomplishment. Not to mention is also seems to melt away any stress that may be lingering in my mind and body.
Even while still maintaining a budget, running an organized 5K doesn’t need to break the bank. There are many companies that host 5Ks or even 4 Milers run events around the holidays. Usually for an early bird price, a 5K costs on average $30 a person and includes cool swag like a race logo t-shirt, entertainment, a finishers medal and all proceeds benefit a charity in your community. To find a 5K near you, Running in the USA has search filters and list many races or you can simply google 5K running for your city.

There is also the US Road Running Sports Club that offers fantastic virtual Get Out & Run Programs or the Virtual Holiday Series to name a few. These runs on average cost about $15 per person and includes a finishers medal as well. So, whether you are a never ever runner, or lollygagger talker walker or a serious running marathoner, you can locate a local 5K then convince your family and friends to join you in the adventure.

I went all in. I convinced not only my nine-year-old son but also several co-workers and their families to run in the December Dash 5K to benefit The Buckeye Ranch. The weather was less than ideal, but my kiddo beat my time in his first 5K ever and walked away with a cool t-shirt and bragging rights for a lifetime. Sometimes, it is also nice spending time with co-workers in an environment other than the office, to cheer each other towards their goal and towards the finish line.

These are memories of laughter and accomplishments we can share, so instead of being stressed out, stuck inside, get up, get out, stretch those legs and get your run on! We did!
The Eight Weeks of Christmas is not about spending a lot of money nor creating more stress for you or your family. Rather this is about enjoying each week leading up to Christmas, spending time together with people you care about and making memories for a lifetime.