06.21.2018 || Favorite Photo Friday ™ This week’s Favorite Photo Friday is an attempt to slow the clock and savor those moments. How many times have we all said “it seems like just yesterday” or “when did my baby grow up?”? How many of us have looked at old pictures of our loved ones and thought “Wow… look how little or young they are”. I think we can all say with great passion that time flies. Seems in a blink of an eye, the world we knew has changed.
When that happens to us, I think we truly promise to cherish every waking moment and not take anything for granted. We promise ourselves we will take more pictures and document our story. Today I am doing just that.
A year ago, our family pet of nine years became very sick and suddenly passed away. We were heartbroken. There was no time to process her illness and time to make more memories. Instead we had to find say our goodbyes without understanding what happened. Weeks after the loss of our beloved furry friend, our family had lots of love to give and we decided to welcome this sweet girl into our lives.

When she came to live in her forever home, she weighed only three (3) pounds. She was the tiniest thing I have ever seen or cared for that matter. We named her Cassie and we were smitten.
It has been one year that this sweet ball of fluff has filled our hearts. I think back to our sadness of the loss of our nine-year old lab shepherd mix and know that she would have loved having a sister. In just one short year, she has tripled her weight (whopping twelve pounds), destroyed several pairs of shoes, messed on the floor, stolen our hearts, mastered the puppy eye look and now rules the roost. We wouldn’t have it any other way.
Favorite Photo Friday ™ is when I share an image that inspires me, that pushes the envelope, takes a look at a different perspective and just plain and simple, is one of my favorite photos. Thanks. ©SharontheMoments.com