I love the first of December; for me, it marks the beginning season for Christmas, all the lights and Christmas decorations, time spent with family & friends; and the Sugarplums are beginning to stir (soon to be dancing) in our heads. December also means the month of giving thanks and counting our blessings.
Christmas music is consuming the radio waves; our children are practicing their songs for the annual school play; many baked treats adorning the isles in the workplace; Elves making their way to into our home creating chaos and getting into mischief, and there will be tasty cooked fowl served for dinners across the land.
I offer hope to inspire you, your family and your friends to enjoy this Four Weeks of Christmas Series. It is not about spending a lot of money nor creating more stress for you or your family. Rather this is about enjoying each week leading up to Christmas, spending time together with people you care about and making memories for a lifetime.