Last January 2022, I was overweight, working from home, parenting my teenager, and just living life day to day.  I really wasn’t giving much thought of life outside this circle.

OK, let’s be real here, I wasn’t just overweight, I was obese.  Yes, Obese! When I let those words sink in, a flood of emotions swirled inside me and I wondered how I ever got to that place.  I was so busy taking care of my son, working, and living with stress that my lifestyle and eating habits were not only not working for me but sending me to an early grave. It hurt to walk, I hated to exercise, I had no motivation to get off the couch and food became my soothing activity which continued this unhealthy cycle.

In that same month, my son’s high school sent an email to all upcoming senior parents with the senior year calendar.  That email was when everything about my son’s senior year of High School become real.  My unhealthy lifestyle was in my face, my unhealthy choices were yelling in my head, my heart sunk, the tears started, and I was overcome with very sad emotions.

How could I be so excited for my son, when I felt so down, so low and so overwhelmed? 

How could I change my life direction and feel better about myself, lose weight, and support my son during this exciting time?

Based on my height and weight, my Body Mass Index (BMI) was 33; my waist circumference was 44 inches and I was wearing a size 18 clothes. I began to ponder; is this really that bad? But consider that a healthy BMI (to be of healthy weight for my height) and waist circumference should be between 18.5 – 24.9 and 30 inches respectfully.  Yes, my score was 8 points over the highest-level score for a healthy person.

In this moment everything changed! I wiped my tears, grabbed the phone and I reached out to a friend that was on her own journey to a healthy life and thought she could point me in the right direction.  What could it hurt, right?

She became my Health Coach through Optavia Program, and I started the first day of the rest of my life in that moment.  Over the next eight months, I began to regain my life back.  I turned all those poor life choices into positive ones and not only did I lose the weight, I lost the negative feelings and thoughts that were holding me down. 

By October 2022, I had reached my desired weight goal.

It was time to continue my journey introducing select foods back into my daily intake as well as included exercise into my daily life.  It became a balancing act that I am still perfecting to this day.   I decided I still wanted to live and not go without, but I have learned that every action has a reaction; or a consequence. 

October 2022 (Photo on left)

I make choices daily; sometimes hourly.  What do I choose to eat today? Will I continue to fuel my body in a healthy manner? Will my choice be about want I want are what does my body need?   Will this choice keep me on my on-goal path?  Is this a healthy choice?  These are the options I go through daily. While, I have gotten better, it is always a choice.

Being that through my journey, I look at traveling, vacationing and family functions very different.  Not everything must be centered around food, and unhealthy choices at that.  It is through my lifestyle change; my experience of learning healthy options that I look forward to sharing how I incorporate healthy choices in my life and still have great adventures. 

I weigh 130 pounds, wearing size 8/10 and have a waist circumference of 30 inches.

Please join me as I share in my new chapter of my travels, adventures and healthy lifestyle with you. If interested in learning more about the Optavia Program, please reach out to me.

Disclaimer: I am not a health care professional, dietician or a fitness expert nor do I provide any medical advise in these areas.  I am merely providing what has worked for me in relation to food, diet and exercise.  This site is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any illness.  Please seek a licensed medical provider for your own health and fitness needs.

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