When looking for a day trip from Columbus, Ohio, Old Man’s Cave in the Hocking Hills State Park area is a most popular visit. Located on State Route 664 in Logan Ohio, it is just about an hour drive south of Columbus. Year round this is a beautiful natural that will leave you in awe. It was a beautiful day in Columbus and knew it would be a great day to visit the caves.

The tree-lined trails, huge rock formations, several waterfalls and rock bridges, Old Man’s Cave has many trails and sights for the entire family. No matter the time of year, the caves are always a bit cooler than the outside temperature. Of course when hiking, be sure to wear comfortable shoes and dress in layers. We were dressed in layers and ready for our hike.

Old Man’s Cave gets it name from a hermit named Richard Rowe who lived in the large recess cave of the gorge. Moving to the Ohio River Valley about 1796, he traveled through Ohio along the Scioto River in search of game when he found the Hocking region. Hiking through the caves, I can see how he would love to live in the area in all its wonder.

On our visit, we packed a lunch and spread a blanket on a picnic table in the public shelter house near the parking area. We packed plenty of water too. The park and trails are also very pet friendly and as always, be a responsible pet owner and keep on leash and clean up after your pet. On our walk, there were plenty of pooches on the trail.
The Caves are a great way to enjoy the time with family and getting fresh air. You can be as leisure or swift as your time allows. We choose to take a few hours and grab photos along the way.

There are numerous trails through out the Caves including the Upper Falls, Upper Gorge, Middle Falls, Lower Falls and Lower Gorge. Through out the length of the trail the awe-inspiring gorge cuts through the entire 150-foot thickness of the Blackhand sandstone; carved by the creek, the gorge allows visitors to look into the earth’s subsurface where the full distance of the gorge is approximately one half mile.
And of course walking in the caves, you must go through the caves. I must say, this is pretty cool.

Seems around every turn or step was another incredible view. I loved the way the sun shone through the trees and bounced off the rock formations.

On this day, it was a great to get some steps in, share time with family and enjoy the fresh spring time air. Whether you are near Columbus, Ohio or another part of the country, be sure to visit those hidden gems in your neck of the woods.