Our October Visit Walt Disney Part IV EPCOT
After spending one day at the Magic Kingdom, we decided to visit EPCOT for our second day of our October Walt Disney World vacation. I had heard many wonderful things about Epcot (not that it was bad before). It was always my understanding that Epcot was more for the adults. I remember visiting in high…

Monday Monday Spring ™ …. Bring it on!
03.25.2014 || Monday Monday Spring ™ Now that the calendar says Spring, I think we need to convince Mother Nature that she needs to play nice and let the Spring Shine On! So, here’s to Mother Nature. This one’s for you … Looking forward to Spring …. Monday Monday Spring ™ Photo Series is all…

Favorite Photo Friday ™ … Think Spring
03.15.2014 || Favorite Photo Friday ™ If you are anything like me, I am counting down the days until the calendar speaks SPRING! I am so over this cold and wind and snow and sleet and … well OK you get the idea. And thank you Mother Nature for your treat today. makes it easy…

Favorite Photo Friday ™… Spring is Coming!
03.08.2014 || Favorite Photo Friday ™ Now that the entire Mid West is thawing out, tonight is Spring Ahead and the temperature is displaying fifty degrees … it is time to think Spring!! Just twelve more days! … Favorite Photo Friday ™ || An Image I took that inspires me, pushes the envelope, takes on a different…

Our October Visit to Walt Disney World Part III
Visiting Disney World in Orlando Florida has always been on my list of vacation destinations. I visited when I was in high school and loved how Disney has marketed the theme of Magic perfectly. Who doesn’t love watching all flowers bloom every day never to die, or snow falling in seventy degree weather on Christmas eve…

Our October Visit to Walt Disney World Part II
During our October vacation to Walt Disney World, we loved our choice in the All Star Sports resort. The day we arrived, we had time to walk around the resort and get a feel for the layout. I am not much of a flier so it was nice to be on the ground soaking up some of…

Our October visit to Walt Disney World
In October, I decided it was time for me and my kiddo to have a vacation on a magical trip to Walt Disney World. It had been four years since we had been (kiddo was just four) and I thought now that he is eight, we would enjoy double the fun. We flew into Orlando International via Southwest seamlessly. …

Blog Event at Ricart Automotive Auto Mall Columbus Ohio .. We’re Dealin!
This week, I was invited to attend a local Blog Event at a large Columbus Car Dealer that is increasing their social media presence. Ricart Automotive, a Family Owned, People Driven company that is now three generations employed held their first Blogger Event in Columbus, Ohio. I’ve never attended such an event and was not really…

Remarkable Ohio … Ohio Historical Marker #17-22 Cedar Point
I was in Erie County, Ohio a few weeks to visit Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. Walking through the park, I learned that Cedar Point is the second oldest amusement park founded in 1870. To read more about it, be sure to read my post Cedar Point. The history of thrill rides at Cedar Point began…