11.21.2014 || Favorite Photo Friday ™ I thought I would change-up this weeks Favorite Photo Friday. I wanted this about cherishing Friendship rather than the composition of the image itself. This Favorite Photo Friday would be a reminder that friendships are to be adored, appreciated and treasured.
It is not often that people cross into our plane of living, have a connection with our way of thinking, bring laughter and joy to our world or even willing to make hold us up when we are down.
Sometimes friends come into our lives when we are young and we are still learning the skills of being a good friend. Other times there is such a subtlety when people enter into our lives and stay for the duration, leaving lasting imprints of who we are.
When we find a person that encourages us to be exactly who we are meant to be, sings with us like no one else is listening and rocks the sword guitar in perfect harmony, chances are … this is a wonderful friendship … and one that shall forever be cherished!

So regardless of our age, or the space or the distance between friends… Chances are there is someone in your life that makes you a better person. I call them friend.
Cherish the friendship!
Favorite Photo Friday ™ is when I share an image that inspires me, that pushes the envelope, takes a look at a different perspective and just plain and simple, is one of my favorite photos. Thanks. ©SharontheMoments.com