Kiddo: Mom, I’m not sure what I want to be when I grow up. It’s a toss up between being a “‘taste maker” (verb: to try or test the flavor or quality of (something) by taking some into the mouth: to taste food) or a musician in a band.
Me: Those are two great options. (long pause ….. ) You would make more money as a taste maker.
Kiddo: Mom, it’s not all about the money you know. It’s about living a good (and happy) life.
Me: True, but you still need enough money to live. You need money to buy a car and you need money to buy a place to live, and you need money to buy groceries.
Kiddo: Buy a car? Why do I need to buy a car? When I get my drivers license, they give me a car. And buy a place to live? What’s wrong with our house???
Me: (silence …….. and more silence ) (Thinking inside head …. yea? what is wrong with that? I love my kiddo and his seven year old way of thinking)