Orange Johnson House Ohio Historical Marker
Growing up in Worthington, OH, visiting the Orange Johnson House was a yearly field trip in elementary school. It was until I was older, much older than I truly began to appreciate the history behind this building and the reason for so many visits.
Located in the northern part of Franklin County, OH I pass by this building several times a week. Knowing the original pioneer structure was built in 1811 makes it all more fascinating on every drive by. The structure was purchased by Orange Johnson (and his wife) in 1816 where he became a farmer; a landowner, a banker, and a railroad stocker holder to name just a few of his jobs. Johnson and his wife continued to live in the home until 1863 where the build is now owned by the Worthington Historical Society.
It is always fun and interesting to read and see all the Remarkable Ohio History. To learn about all 1447 Remarkable Ohio Historical Marker sites, click here.

So, whether you are a huge Ohio history buff or just want to learn more about our great state, be sure to stop and read the Remarkable Ohio Historical Markers as you pass by when traveling.
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