Being a quilter, one of the things I look forward to year round are the Quilt Retreats. Not only is it about quilting the entire long weekend, but included a great quilting community and always wonderful lodging. For more years than I can remember, my mom has been attending the Rise and Shine Quilt Retreat in Charm, Ohio in the heart of Amish County. Being that I really began a quilter within the last five years, I have been attending these retreats with her more recently.

The weekend before Thanksgiving, about fifteen to twenty ladies descend upon the Charm Countryview Inn B&B for a long weekend. With sewing machines, patterns, fabrics and all the quilting supplies imaginable in tow, we set out to set up camp and sewing all day long. We rent out the entire B&B for the weekend and have unlimited access to the sewing room downstairs.
Located in Baltic, Ohio less than a two hour drive from Columbus, the B&B is in the heart of Amish County Ohio. The Inn B&B sits atop a hill that can be seen from the road. Being that it sits so far up, the view from the Inn of the surrounding Amish Country side is amazing.

The bedrooms are quaint, clean and cozy for spending the weekend. It provides the homey atmosphere where walking in your slippers and housecoat are welcomed along with an after meal sit by the fire. As a Bed & Breakfast implies, the breakfast is provided and is served in the main dining area. Being that we stay all weekend, we are allowed to use the dining room and refrigerator for our other meals and snacks. The breakfast is served family style as well.

If you have never attended a quilt retreat, it is a relaxing weekend spent with like minded quilter {creators} that are humming away with every stitch of their sewing machine. Some come ready to socialize and don’t get much done in the way of a completed quilt top, others bring every thing except the kitchen sink, bringing every quilt tool and gadget to help make the weekend easier. Every one has their own 2′ x 6′ table and space to set up their work station. It is cozy and allows for an informal community of creativity.

Another main reason, most quilters attend quilting retreats is the close proximity to the Amish Quilts shops. One {quilter} can never have too much fabric, or patterns or just inspiration. There are no distractions like there are at home. There is no laundry waiting to be folded or meals to cook, just creating and sewing and enjoying friendships.
If interested in an authentic Amish Bed & Breakfast lodging in Ohio, be sure to check out The Charm Countryview Inn Bed & Breakfast in Baltic, OH. The Inn Keepers Dave and Jenn Miller will welcome you.
Quilt on and Sharon the Moments