Following our outing to the HoneyFest, my Aunt Betty, my son and I had driven past a local Pickaway County vineyard and decided to stop.  It was a small vineyard but looked picturesque and had open hours for wine tasting.

Slate Run Vineyard|Sharon the Moments blog

I had never been to the Slate Run Vineyard before, but my Aunt had been and purchased wine in the past and wanted to purchase more.

As we pulled off the country road, it was a short jot to the parking lot and Wine tasting building.

Slate Run Vineyard|Sharon the Moments blog

Slate Run Vineyard|Sharon the Moments blog

As we walked in, two couples were already talking, laughing and tasting the vineyards reds and white wines.  They shuffled around the large oblong table and welcomed us to join them.  {and make no mistake, my kiddo was all about sitting at the table and drinking from a wine glass}.

Slate Run Vineyard|Sharon the Moments blog

The owner brought us two glasses and we decided to try the sweet red first.  {My kiddo was a bit upset that he was not given a glass for wine tasting too}.

Slate Run Vineyard|Sharon the Moments blog

Slate Run Vineyard|Sharon the Moments blog

The vineyard makes about twenty-four variety of wines, from the semi dry white to the sweet reds.

I started with the Rurban red (Rurban comes from both rural and urban).  I swirled my glass and sniff the aroma and took a sip.  I normally am a semi dry red wine drinking but the sweetness of the Rurban was just right.  Then my kiddo had asked to have some.  He took my glass and looked at the wine remaining and then down the hatch.  He drank the rest of my red wine sample. All of it.

Slate Run Vineyard|Sharon the Moments blog

Then Aunt Betty tasted the sweet Winsome white, which she enjoyed.  As we continued to taste and talked about the flavors and the grapes used to make this wine, my kiddo was eating all of the small crackers on the table for one to cleanse their palette … Oops.

Slate Run Vineyard|Sharon the Moments blog

Slate Run Vineyard|Sharon the Moments blog

We decided to purchase the Rurban Red and the Winsome White.  As we were paying for our purchase, I happen to notice a framed newspaper article on the wall.  The article was about the vineyard and the owner, Keith Pritchard.  The name caught my eye as this is a family name.  I had asked if he was the man in the photo and he replied yes.

Slate Run Vineyard|Sharon the Moments blog

I then mentioned that Pritchard is our family name as well.  My Aunt Betty then stated to the Keith how familiar he looked and he replied the same.  As they talked about their families, it turns out that both my Aunt’s and the Owner’s father were cousins.  So it really is a small world in that my Aunt and Keith, the vineyard owner are related.  Seems they are first cousins, once removed.  So, what would that make me and my kiddo’s relationship?  …. second niece twice removed or first niece third removed and first great-nephew twice removed? Either way…. we are family!

Slate Run Vineyard|Sharon the Moments blog



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