11.03.2023 || Favorite Photo Friday ™
Have you ever thought about the “what if’s” in life? How things might be different if you made a different decision? Or make a choice that was not fear based? Or even stepped out of your comfort zone to see what would happen? Yea… me too. Whether it is a dare or a challenge or simply making a better choice for oneself… Do you dare?
With the new year just around the corner, maybe it is time to begin thinking about changes in your life and dreams to pursue that you have put off for far too long. Why not start today … Come on; I dare you. I double dog dare you to go for it and live on the wild side (if even just for a day).

Favorite Photo Friday ™ || An Image I took that inspires me, pushes the envelope, takes on a different perspective or just plain and simple, is one of my favorite photos. All images are the sole ownership of Sharon the Moments and cannot be copied or reproduced.